Saturday, September 22, 2012

My latest music inspiration

Do you listen to music when you create or do you prefer silence? Is music your inspiration or a pleasant background?

I find music very inspiring although not always I would listen to music when painting. My latest music discovery would definitely belong to inspiring tunes. Three excellent musicians met at Skolska last week to perform compositions and improvisations - Martin Alacam (vocal, acoustic guitar), Michael Delia (kalimba, mbira), and Lucy Fillery-Murphy (cello). I must admit that I loved this combination of instruments. It was also first time that I saw kalimba a mbira - mbira being an African music instrument and kalimba its modern version.

While Martin and Michael have been a duo collaborating for past ten years the trio formation with Lucy is new. I only hope the trio will continue in future so that we can hear more of this wonderful music!


Radka said...

This is a test.

Unknown said...

Ahoj, díky za hezkej článek a fotky, objevili jsme to až teď. Kdyby jsi měla zájem, tak v úterý 4. hrajeme v 19:30 v akropoli jako předkapela pro triaboliques. martin

Radka said...

Martine, diky za komentar! Bohuzel az ted jej nachazim... Budete hrat v Praze take nekdy behem tohoto roku?